Trota : nomi locali o sinonimi: trùta. Nel lago sono presenti tre diverse trote: la lacustre, la fario e l'iridea. La prima è indigena e si riproduce; le altre due dipendono dalle immissioni effettuate a scopo di ripopolamento e il loro corpo, dopo una lunga permanenza nel lago, non presenta caratteristiche particolari che ne consentano la distinzione dalla lacustre. La presenza di macchie sulla pinna caudale rivela però l'iridea. Il dorso verde azzurro, talvolta bruno e i fianchi argentei presentano numerose macchiette nere ed irregolari, alcune delle quali a forma di X. Il ventre è bianco. La forma lacustre è in grado di superare anche i 15 chili, le altre due trote raggiungono pesi e taglie inferiori. Carnivore e predatrici, le trote del Garda si nutrono dapprima di invertebrati poi di avvannotti e piccoli pesci. Le carni sono veramente eccellenti, saporitissime soprattutto quelle degli esemplari già di una certa dimensione. Sode e prive di spine, bianche o rosa per un'alimentazione a base di crostacei, sono, al di là della divisione in specie, una delizia per il palato.
Trota : Local or synonymous names: trùta. In the lago three various trouts are present: the lacustrine one, the fario and the iridea. Before it is aboriginal and it is reproduced; the others two depend on the breakings in carried out for the sake of ripopolamento and their body, after a long permanence in the lago, does not introduce particular characteristics that of it they concur the distinction from the lacustrine one. The presence of spots on the tail fin reveals but the iridea. The blue, sometimes tawny green back and the silver flanks introduce numerous macchiette black and irregular, some of which to shape of X. the ventre are white man. The lacustrine shape is in a position to exceeding also the 15 chili, the others two trouts catch up inferior weights and ransoms. Carnivores and predatrici, of the Garda nutrono at first of small and the trouts invertebrates then avvannotti fish. The meats are truly excellent, saporitissime above all those of the exemplary already of one sure dimension. Hard and lacking in thorns, white women or rose for an feeding made up of crustaceans, they are, to beyond the division in species, one delight for the palate.
Trota : Local or synonymous names: trùta. In the lago three various trouts are present: the lacustrine one, the fario and the iridea. Before it is aboriginal and it is reproduced; the others two depend on the breakings in carried out for the sake of ripopolamento and their body, after a long permanence in the lago, does not introduce particular characteristics that of it they concur the distinction from the lacustrine one. The presence of spots on the tail fin reveals but the iridea. The blue, sometimes tawny green back and the silver flanks introduce numerous macchiette black and irregular, some of which to shape of X. the ventre are white man. The lacustrine shape is in a position to exceeding also the 15 chili, the others two trouts catch up inferior weights and ransoms. Carnivores and predatrici, of the Garda nutrono at first of small and the trouts invertebrates then avvannotti fish. The meats are truly excellent, saporitissime above all those of the exemplary already of one sure dimension. Hard and lacking in thorns, white women or rose for an feeding made up of crustaceans, they are, to beyond the division in species, one delight for the palate.
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