Tinca : nomi locali o sinonimi: tenchèll, ténca, tencoo. Il corpo della tinca è massiccio e tozzo, la bocca, dalla modesta apertura, è terminale e possiede un barbiglio per angolo. Le squame sono piccole ed abbondantemente ricoperte di muco. Il dorso ed i fianchi sono bruno olivastri con riflessi bronzei, il ventre è giallo. La tinca raggiunge una lunghezza massima di 60 centimetri. Vive sui fondali fangosi, limosi, ricchi di vegetazione. Si nutre principalmente di invertebrati e parti di piante acquatiche. Trascorre l'inverno rallentando le funzioni vitali in una specie di letargo. Le carni della tinca, mediamente grasse, sono tenere e saporite. L'eventuale gusto di fango che talvolta hanno nel periodo estivo può essere eliminato facendo tenere il pesce vivo a "spurgare" per qualche tempo nell'acqua pulita di una fontana in quanto è legato.
Tinca : local or synonymous names: tenchèll, ténca, tencoo. The body of the tinca is massive and stocky, the mouth, from the modest opening, is finishes them and possesses a barbel for angle. The squame small and they are abundantly covered of mucus. The back and the flanks are tawny olive with bronzei glares, the ventre are yellow. The tinca it catches up one the maximum length of 60 centimeters. It lives on I found them muddy, limosi, rich of vegetation. Nutre mainly of invertebrates and parts of aquatic plants. Species of letargo passes the winter slowing down the vital functions in one. The meats of the tinca, medium fat, are to hold and saporite. The eventual mud taste that sometimes they have in the summery period can be eliminated making to hold the alive fish “clear” for some time in the clean water of Fontana in how much is legacy.
Tinca : local or synonymous names: tenchèll, ténca, tencoo. The body of the tinca is massive and stocky, the mouth, from the modest opening, is finishes them and possesses a barbel for angle. The squame small and they are abundantly covered of mucus. The back and the flanks are tawny olive with bronzei glares, the ventre are yellow. The tinca it catches up one the maximum length of 60 centimeters. It lives on I found them muddy, limosi, rich of vegetation. Nutre mainly of invertebrates and parts of aquatic plants. Species of letargo passes the winter slowing down the vital functions in one. The meats of the tinca, medium fat, are to hold and saporite. The eventual mud taste that sometimes they have in the summery period can be eliminated making to hold the alive fish “clear” for some time in the clean water of Fontana in how much is legacy.
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