Persico reale : nomi locali o sinonimi: péss pèrsech, zebra. Il corpo del persico reale è più o meno alto e compresso lateralmente, il dorso variamente arcuato. Il dorso è bruno, i fianchi sono verdastri o giallastri con bande trasversali nerastre, il ventre solitamente bianco. I colori del corpo variano comunque in relazione con l'ambiente. Le pinne ventrali, anale e caudale sono rosse o aranciate, la prima dorsale ha una macchia nera presso gli ultimi raggi. La lunghezza massima è di circa 35 centimetri ed il peso di due chilogrammi. Vive in branchi, stanziale, presso piante acquatiche o rocce. Assai apprezzato da tutti i pescatori, il persico reale offre carni assai delicate, bianche e saporite sotto la spessa "pelle" che le protegge.
Persico reale : local or synonymous names: péss pèrsech, zebra. The Persian body of the real one is more or little laterally compressed high and, the back variously arch. The back is tawny, the flanks is verdastri or yellowish with cross-sectional bands nerastre, ventre usually the white man. The colors of the body vary however in relation with the atmosphere. The ventral fins, anale and tail are red or orange-colored, the first ridge has one black spot near the last beams. The maximum length is of approximately 35 centimeters and the weight of two kilograms. It lives in branches, it allocates them, near aquatic plants or cliffs. Appreciated much from all the fishermen, Persian the real one offers delicate, white women and saporite meats much under the thick “skin” that the protegge
Persico reale : local or synonymous names: péss pèrsech, zebra. The Persian body of the real one is more or little laterally compressed high and, the back variously arch. The back is tawny, the flanks is verdastri or yellowish with cross-sectional bands nerastre, ventre usually the white man. The colors of the body vary however in relation with the atmosphere. The ventral fins, anale and tail are red or orange-colored, the first ridge has one black spot near the last beams. The maximum length is of approximately 35 centimeters and the weight of two kilograms. It lives in branches, it allocates them, near aquatic plants or cliffs. Appreciated much from all the fishermen, Persian the real one offers delicate, white women and saporite meats much under the thick “skin” that the protegge
1 commento:
Grande descrizione, ma he dire a proposito delle esche?
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