Coregone Lavarello : nomi locali o sinonimi: lavarèl, coregoo. Il coregone lavarello è una specie immessa nel Garda dall'uomo nel 1918. Il corpo di questo salmonide è discretamente slanciato. Il dorso assume colori verde oliva, bruno chiaro o grigiastro; i fianchi sono argentei, il ventre bianco. La lunghezza massima è di circa 80 centimetri ed il peso di 4 chilogrammi, ma gli esemplari di tali dimensioni sono assai scarsi nel Garda. Il lavarello si nutre quasi esclusivamente di quei crostacei che compongono larga parte dello zooplancton e di larve di insetti. Le carni sono bianchissime e assai ricercate per la loro bontà. Per nulla grasse, sono facilissimamente digeribili e quasi prive di spine. Il periodo di maggiore corpulenza, e quindi di maggior bontà delle carni, si realizza in luglio ed in agosto, ma nel primo mese non è consentita la pesca in quanto le reti potrebbero danneggiare gravemente i carpioni in riproduzione. Prima e dopo la riproduzione le carni sono stoppose per il notevole sforzo subito nel portare a maturazione gli organi sessuali.
Coregone Lavarello : local or synonymous names: lavarèl, coregoo. The coregone lavarello species immessa in the Garda from the man in 1918 is one. The body of this salmonide discreetly is slanciato. The back assumes colors green olive, tawny or clearly grayish; the flanks are silver, ventre the white man. The maximum length is of approximately 80 centimeters and the weight of 4 kilograms, but the exemplary of such dimensions are insufficient much in the Garda. The lavarello nutre nearly exclusively of those crustaceans that compose wide part of the zooplancton and of larve of bugs. The meats whitest and are searched much for their goodness. For null fat people, they are very easy digeribili and nearly lacking in thorns. The period of greater corpulenza, and therefore of greater goodness of the meats, is come true in July and August, but in the first month it is not concurred the peach in how much the nets could damage the carpioni in reproduction seriously. Before and after the reproduction the meats are stoppose for the remarkable effort endured in carrying to maturation the sexual organs.
Coregone Lavarello : local or synonymous names: lavarèl, coregoo. The coregone lavarello species immessa in the Garda from the man in 1918 is one. The body of this salmonide discreetly is slanciato. The back assumes colors green olive, tawny or clearly grayish; the flanks are silver, ventre the white man. The maximum length is of approximately 80 centimeters and the weight of 4 kilograms, but the exemplary of such dimensions are insufficient much in the Garda. The lavarello nutre nearly exclusively of those crustaceans that compose wide part of the zooplancton and of larve of bugs. The meats whitest and are searched much for their goodness. For null fat people, they are very easy digeribili and nearly lacking in thorns. The period of greater corpulenza, and therefore of greater goodness of the meats, is come true in July and August, but in the first month it is not concurred the peach in how much the nets could damage the carpioni in reproduction seriously. Before and after the reproduction the meats are stoppose for the remarkable effort endured in carrying to maturation the sexual organs.
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