Luccio : nomi locali o sinonimi: lùs, lùsso. Il corpo del luccio è affusolato, clindrico, debolmente compresso lateralmente, il muso allungato ed appuntito a becco d'anatra. La bocca è ampia, la mascella prominente e la dentatura molto sviluppata ed acuminata. La colorazione è del tipo mimetico e varia ampiamente in rapporto con l'ambiente. Il dorso è verde bruno più o meno intenso, i fianchi verdognoli, giallastri ed argentei, zebrati o marmorizzati di macchie più scure. Il luccio può raggiungere nel lago di Garda dimensioni superiori al metro. Predatore, conduce vita solitaria catturando i pesci con rapidi guizzi fuori dalla vegetazione in cui si tiene celato. Viene assai ricercato sia dai pescatori professionisti sia da quelli dilettanti per la bontà delle sue carni bianche, sode e compatte ed il detto "carne de lusso carne de musso" ("carne di luccio carne d'asino") non trova riscontro negli esemplari lontani dalla riproduzione e ben pasciuti.
Luccio : local or synonymous names: lùs, lùsso. The body of the luccio is streamlined, clindrico, weakly compressed laterally, the snout lengthened and appuntito to duck spout. The mouth is wide, the prominente jaw and the set of teeth a lot developed and spiky. The coloration is of the camouflage type and varies wide in relationship with the atmosphere. The back is green tawny more or less intense, the verdognoli, yellowish and silver, zebrati or marmorizzati flanks of darker spots. The luccio it can catch up in the lago of Garda advanced dimensions to the meter. Predator, leads solitary life capturing the fish with expresses wriggles outside from the vegetation in which it is kept hidden. It comes much searched is from the fishermen professionals is from those amateurs for the goodness of its meats white women, hard and compact and the saying “meat de lusso meat de musso” (“meat of luccio ass meat”) very does not find reply in the far exemplary from the reproduction and pasciuti.
Luccio : local or synonymous names: lùs, lùsso. The body of the luccio is streamlined, clindrico, weakly compressed laterally, the snout lengthened and appuntito to duck spout. The mouth is wide, the prominente jaw and the set of teeth a lot developed and spiky. The coloration is of the camouflage type and varies wide in relationship with the atmosphere. The back is green tawny more or less intense, the verdognoli, yellowish and silver, zebrati or marmorizzati flanks of darker spots. The luccio it can catch up in the lago of Garda advanced dimensions to the meter. Predator, leads solitary life capturing the fish with expresses wriggles outside from the vegetation in which it is kept hidden. It comes much searched is from the fishermen professionals is from those amateurs for the goodness of its meats white women, hard and compact and the saying “meat de lusso meat de musso” (“meat of luccio ass meat”) very does not find reply in the far exemplary from the reproduction and pasciuti.
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