Bottatrice : nomi locali o sinonimi: bòsa. Questo strano pesce di fondo, simile al merluzzo di mare, ha il corpo allungato, anteriormente a sezione cilindrica e compresso lateralmente, sempre di più, ma mano che si procede verso la coda. La testa è larga, la bocca ampia presenta un unico barbiglio sulla mandibola e due cortissimi davanti alle cavità nasali. Le squame sono piccole e ricoperte di muco. Il dorso e i fianchi sono bruno giallastri con macchie più o meno scure anche sulle pinne. Talvolta prevalgono sfumature verdastre. Verso il ventre i colori si attenuano e predomina il bianco. La bottatrice può raggiungere i 60 centimetri di lunghezza ed i 3-4 chilogrammi di peso. Il fegato è molto grande e, pur essendo saporito, va scartato. Gli esemplari di maggiore dimensione forniscono una carne bianca, assolutamente priva di spine, ottima a dispetto delle forme non aggraziate del pesce. Lo scarto nelle operazioni di eviscerazione è notevole e con il capo e la spina dorsale può raggiungere il 50% del peso del pesce.
Bottatrice : local or synonymous names: bòsa. This strange fish of bottom, similar to the cod of sea, has the lengthened body, front to cylindrical and compressed section laterally, always more, but hand that is proceeded towards the tail. The head is wide, the wide mouth introduces an only barbel on the jaw and the two shortest ones in front of the nasal cavities. The squame small and they are covered of mucus. The back and the flanks are tawny yellowish with more or less dark spots also on the fins. Sometimes shadings prevail verdastre. Towards ventre the colors they are attenuated and predominates the white man. The bottatrice can catch up the 60 centimeters of length and the 3-4 kilograms of weight. The liver is much large one and, also being saporito, it goes discarded. The exemplary of greater dimension supply one meat white woman, absolutely lacking in thorns, optimal in spite of the shapes not aggraziate of the fish. The refuse in the eviscerazione operations is remarkable and with the head and the dorsal thorn it can catch up 50% of the weight of the fish.
Bottatrice : local or synonymous names: bòsa. This strange fish of bottom, similar to the cod of sea, has the lengthened body, front to cylindrical and compressed section laterally, always more, but hand that is proceeded towards the tail. The head is wide, the wide mouth introduces an only barbel on the jaw and the two shortest ones in front of the nasal cavities. The squame small and they are covered of mucus. The back and the flanks are tawny yellowish with more or less dark spots also on the fins. Sometimes shadings prevail verdastre. Towards ventre the colors they are attenuated and predominates the white man. The bottatrice can catch up the 60 centimeters of length and the 3-4 kilograms of weight. The liver is much large one and, also being saporito, it goes discarded. The exemplary of greater dimension supply one meat white woman, absolutely lacking in thorns, optimal in spite of the shapes not aggraziate of the fish. The refuse in the eviscerazione operations is remarkable and with the head and the dorsal thorn it can catch up 50% of the weight of the fish.
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