Carpa: nomi locali o sinonimi: bùlbar, raina, bùlbero. Il corpo della carpa è slanciato, ma robusto ed alto, compresso lateralmente. La bocca è ornata da quattro barbigli di cui due molto più corti dei successivi. Le squame sono grandi ed orlate di grigio-nero nella forma "selvatica", mentre hanno dimensioni assai variabili o assenti nelle varietà a specchi, a fila di squame e cuoio o nuda. Questo ciprinide può superare i 10 centimetri di lunghezza. La carpa vive sui fondali fangosi e limosi, ricchi di vegetazione. Si ciba di invertebrati ed ha abitudini prevalentemente notturne. Nel periodo invernale le carpe, come molte altre specie che amano le acque calde, si allontanano dalle rive, per cercare nella profondità temperature meno fredde e rimangono in uno stato di torpore, sospendendo l'alimentazione, fino al successivo riscaldarsi del lago. Apprezzata nella parte meridionale del Garda, possiede carni grasse, ma squisite, dal sapore deciso.
Carpa : local or synonymous names: bùlbar, raina, bùlbero. The body of the carpa is slanciato, but sturdy and high, compressed laterally. The mouth is adorned from four barbels of which the two much shortest ones of the successes to you. The squame large and they are bordered of gray-black in “the wild” shape, while they have much variable dimensions or absent in the varieties to mirrors, to row of squame and leather or knot. This ciprinide can exceed the 10 centimeters of length. The carpa it lives on I found them muddy and limosi, rich of vegetation. It is fed of invertebrates and it has mostly nocturnal habits. In the winter period the carpe, like many other species that love warm waters, goes away from the rivers, in order to try in the depth less cold temperatures and remains in one be of torpore, suspending the feeding, until the successive one heating itself of the lago. Appreciated in the southern part of the Garda, it possesses fat, but exquisite meats, from the determined sapore.
Carpa : local or synonymous names: bùlbar, raina, bùlbero. The body of the carpa is slanciato, but sturdy and high, compressed laterally. The mouth is adorned from four barbels of which the two much shortest ones of the successes to you. The squame large and they are bordered of gray-black in “the wild” shape, while they have much variable dimensions or absent in the varieties to mirrors, to row of squame and leather or knot. This ciprinide can exceed the 10 centimeters of length. The carpa it lives on I found them muddy and limosi, rich of vegetation. It is fed of invertebrates and it has mostly nocturnal habits. In the winter period the carpe, like many other species that love warm waters, goes away from the rivers, in order to try in the depth less cold temperatures and remains in one be of torpore, suspending the feeding, until the successive one heating itself of the lago. Appreciated in the southern part of the Garda, it possesses fat, but exquisite meats, from the determined sapore.
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